Welcome to AAU Subversion Server

If you have reached this site you where properly looking for one of the Subversion repositories hosted on this server. The locations of the repositories all follow the same scheme across the various departments:

This service will be effective only from wednesday, 31st january 2024 after 17:00


Where department should be the department hosting the repository. Users or Fileshares should be the type of repository (select one):

Finally repositoryname should be the repositoryname. E.g. the name of the project group or the user.

Examples of repositories could be:
https://svn.aau.dk/svn/its/Users/pl for the personal repository for the user pl from the its.aau.dk domain.
https://svn.aau.dk/svn/nano/Fileshares/yoshida for the yoshida project group from the nano.aau.dk domain.